Posted tagged ‘bugs’

Time to Call the Exterminator?

June 16, 2009

It’s been particularly rainy out here in the muggy Mid-Atlantic this spring. And unfortunately that means one thing: ants and other insects invade our dry homes trying to escape the deluge. So as I was pouring my coffee this morning and thinking about what to write for my blog post, I was watching ants scouting for food on the counter and a topic came to mind:


No, not the 8 legged kind. The software kind. Most bugs in software are the result of a well intentioned programmer (like myself) trying to improve the software. Inevitably one feature or improvement will lead to an inadvertent oversight or the breaking of some formerly working code.

I think the key to good programming is not only to get it right, but to care enough to fix the bugs found in the software quickly. To be responsive, not defensive.  How a software company responds to a bug report says a lot about the company and how much they care about their product and ultimately how much they care about their customers. 

At South River Technologies we take great pride in our suite of software solutions and we care about our customers. We’ve enhanced our technical support offerings by hiring two new very capable support engineers and increasing the support options to include paid phone support so that we can be more responsive than ever to the needs of our customers. Our engineers are top notch, and we work diligently, sometimes very late into the night, to offer the finest quality software.

We all make mistakes, in software we call them bugs, in business it matters how we choose to deal with them.

Oh, and honey, if your reading this, yes, please call the exterminator.  🙂