Tell Me How…

…A Note about Technical Writing and Help Documentation:

“Technical writing is the art, craft, practice, or problem of translating
that which is logical into that which is grammatical. Technical writing
forms a bridge between the logical (the primarily binary concepts understood by computers, robots, lawyers) and the illogical (the haphazard, inconsistent concepts misunderstood carbon-based life forms, highly intelligent computers, lawyers) via the medium of the grammatical, the haphazardly logical system incomprehensible to both. The practice of technical writing presupposes that you, the illogical, actually want to learn about the logical subject, which of course is in all cases false. This basis in a false presupposition makes technical writing a pursuit typically favored by those with arts degrees from obscure universities.”

–The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Of course, being a Technical Writer, I found the preceding quote to be very entertaining! And while this quote may strike a chord, here at SRT, we’ve tried very hard to make sure that using our products is a breeze, whether you’re configuring LDAP, ODBC, SFTP, or FTP/S. We have a large repository of help documentation and add to our Knowledgebase frequently. If you need help connecting your WebDrive FTP client to a Sharepoint server, or want detailed information about how to configure Microsoft clustering services, we have step-by-step guides available on the South River Technologies’ website. If you have a unique Titan MFT Server configuration, you can find troubleshooting tips in our Knowledgebase. And we want to hear from you! Please tell us how we can serve you better.  We want to get you up and running as smoothly and stress-free as possible. We love our products. We think they’re easy to configure and use. And, if we can do anything to make it easier for you, please, let us know.

By the way, I have a B.A. degree from SUNYA, double major in Communications & Theatre. Very funny, Doug Adams, very funny.

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